55 11 981453876 | 55 11 982457993

Multidisciplinary team

Focus on ANALYSIS, strategy, planning and processes

Results aligned with business objectives of the client

Sustainable practices


We specialize in building relationships that bring our clients close to stakeholders, using all the knowledge and experience acquired in the corporate communications market.

Products and services

of content

Strategies involving the definition and production of content according to the needs of the client. Agendas, interviews, editing and preparation of texts for corporate blogs, storytelling, articles, books and e-books, sites, newsletters, scripts (podcasts, videos, presentations) and content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Media Relations Program – key audience within corporate communication -, opinion makers, both from large vehicles and from industry publications. Strategies, planning, execution and measurement of results

Consultancy in corporate communication

Designing relationship programs that bring clients closer to their stakeholder groups (internal, press, partners, associates, communities, entities, associations, investors etc). Recommendation and use of diverse communication tools in alignment with the business objective of the client

Communication workshop

Customized training to improve the skills of spokespeople during interviews, in building relations with the media and other strategic stakeholder groups. Prepare executives for meetings with diverse audience segments and to communicate according to the company’s positioning in a uniform and aligned manner


Alethea Batista

Alethea Batista

A journalist with extensive experience in corporate communications, both in enterprises and in communication agencies. Alethea produced and edited customized content for business magazines, websites, newsletters, as well as annual and corporate social responsibility reports. She was responsible for internal communications and the  recasting of the BTG Pactual website. Among the main clients on her portfolio you will find J.P. Morgan, Microsoft and Yahoo! Brazil. Graduated in journalism from Faculdade de Comunicação Casper Libero and in marketing at Westminster Kingsway College, London, UK.

Andreza Taglietti

Andreza Taglietti

Professional with nearly fifteen years of experience in Corporate Communications, Andreza worked at agencies such as CDN, S2 and Andreoli MS&L. She graduated in journalism from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo and took specialized courses at FIPE and PUC SP, always with a focus on economics and finance. She was responsible for serving financial institutions such as FEBRABAN, ANBIMA, Deutsche Bank, UBS Pactual, Banco Schahin, M.Safra, Rabobank, Royal Bank of Canada, Brokerage Spinelli, UM Investimentos, Ashmore, and ExpoMoney, along with companies and entities such as APAS, CPM, Ericsson, OSESP Foundation, and Microsoft. Andreza has experience in communication strategies in financial operations, IPOs, securities, mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructurings, ADRs, BDRs, and matters related to Corporate Governance.


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If you prefer, call +55 11 981453876 or +55 11 982457993.